Tuesday, April 6, 2010

spring break!

I love spring break. I get to sleep in, read all I want and relax and enjoy the island. Sunday several of us went sailing! I've never been before so it was quite the adventure. Three boats were racing so we hopped aboard and learned the basics. The couple actually live on their boat...which I could NEVER do. And they have a cat which is interesting since cats don't like water. The woman was British-Australian and her husband is American. It was nice to meet some new people that aren't Marshallese. We kept the lead for most of the race but lost at the very end. It was lots of fun though! I even got to drive afterwards. I felt very pirateish. They were very generous and served us food afterward on their boat. My legs got burnt, but it was otherwise very relaxing.

Our internet has been out the last couple of days (I think because we're working on switching over to fiber optic). Anyway, even though it sucks having no internet, that's when the boys start getting creative and entertaining since they have nothing else to do without their computers. We had girls' movie night with some of the girls who live nearby, and as we walked them home we saw the boys doing something mischievous in the maintenance shed. We came back and spied on them (in true Alias fashion since we've been watching that...) and deduced they were trying to be Spartans by the assortment of brooms, ropes, makeshift capes, half-naked bodies and lots of manly grunts we saw and heard. But it gets even better. They left, so we snuck around to peek around the corner and saw them sparring with sticks, broom handles, etc. outside the av room by the library. We thought maybe they were filming a movie or choreographing so they could film it...but no they were just fighting. That's what boys do I guess. We came out to watch...and decided hey! why not! Let's be Spartan women! So we scrounged up whatever we could in the av room, most of us wrapping up in random dirty sheets we found lying around and grabbing anything that could be a weapon. Then we went out and fought and took silly pictures. What great times...

The internet has still been out so right now I'm at the resort. Don't worry I'm still alive! Tomorrow we're going on a camping trip to a new island...Rong Rong I think. Should be good times. I figure nothing can be worse than our last trip right? :)

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