Sunday, January 24, 2010

The days are slow but the weeks fly by...

It just blows my mind how fast the weeks are going! Only one week left in January...I can definitely see my relationship with my students changing. Now that we're comfortable with each other and know what to expect from the other, classwork seems to go smoother and I find myself laughing with them a lot more.

I could definitely see Satan at work on our campus this week. Monday morning we received news that one of the sophomores had drowned the previous week. I didn't actually know who he was, but it was still tragic news! Apparently he had gone on an outer island fishing trip with a couple of his friends. I don't know if they got caught in a storm or what but their boat got destroyed by waves, and then they got swept out to sea for 3 days holding on to debris. I guess on the third day Marsh Marsh just put his head down and died before they washed up on shore and were rescued.
A couple days later one of Kara's kids (Ryan) came in in the morning talking excitedly to his classmates and pointing to a bruise on his arm. He said Satan had come into his room the night before and pulled back his covers and attacked him! He said he had big horns and then he followed him to school. Kara said she felt like there was a presence in the room like a pressure on her chest. Of course the other 2nd graders were scared so she reassured them that they could pray in the name of Jesus and it would scare Satan away.
If you could please keep Marsh Marsh's mother and two friends and Kara's student Ryan in your prayers they really need it.

Last Sabbath we met 2 doctors that are here from the states to do training at the hospital. Dr. Hewes is a radiologist and Dr. Price is a sonography professor at Kettering. We went and heard a couple of their lectures. Then on Thursday Jon and I went during my PE/recess to try and see a lung biopsy. But of course...island time prevented it. But they did show us some ultrasound (kinda boring). As we're walking into this tiny room poor Jon trips over the cord to the machine and yanks it out of the socket! HAHAHAHA! They had to restart and everything...luckily it wasn't an actual patient.

I'm off to work!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Answers to prayer

Friday afternoon I had the best of intentions to finish my grading so I would have a more relaxing Sunday to look forward to. Unfortunately things did not go according to plan. There are 3 particular items that I have mentioned in my prayers recently. Friday God showed me clearly that He is indeed listening!

First of all, our dryer broke so for the past week or two we've been hanging all our laundry up in our rooms with clothespins. Then Lenney announces that we can't afford to use any more water so we can't use the washer either. This means group trip to the Good Earth laundromat. After paying for our laundry, he drops us off at EZ Price on his way to the post office (we were in desperate need of toilet paper!) We quickly gathered our groceries and proceeded to sit outside waiting for him...for about 40ish minutes. (Plus I had just downed a frappucino and was in dire need of a bathroom!) We consoled ourselves with thoughts of the backseat being filled with packages from home. Finally he arrives...with not a package in sight. "Lenney what took you so long?" we annoyingly ask. "Oh...I got distracted." What?? How do you get distracted at the P.O. for 30 minutes? Well that was my first lesson in patience for the day.

I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I was thinking about the fruits of the Spirit and how they come in sequence: love, joy, peace, patience... I had prayed that God would help me work on my patience. How better than to give me opportunity to practice it!

We arrived at Payless and I desperately walked as fast as I could (I was beyond the point of being able to run) to the bathroom. We picked up a couple things and then I headed to the bank to deposit a check. Surprisingly the line only went to the door (as opposed to previous days when it wrapped around the whole inside in snakelike fashion). So I figured today was as good a day as any to get it over with. So I waited...and waited...and waited...and waited for probably another 40 minutes. The realization that God was using this silly bank line to teach me a lesson hit me in that little Bank of Guam. Was I just another frustrated customer? (Or more like frustrated American customer? - The Marshallese are used to it haha). Or was I someone who people noticed waiting patiently?

Lenney had already taken the other girls back while I waited in line. When I finally finished he came back to pick me up. As we rode home we talked a little bit. I realized this was a great opportunity for me to show interest in his life. So I asked him a few questions about what he had done and where he'd been and what some of his plans were for the future. As we arrived at the school he pulled around to our apartments and turned the van off. Talking to Lenney isn't my favorite activity, but I felt like maybe he needed someone to talk to. So we just chatted about the school, about soccer and whatever else came to mind for about 30-40ish minutes. I'm sure he must get lonely sometimes! And although he can be extremely ridiculous and super frustrating, I had prayed that God would help me to reach out to him somehow.

Later, I was wandering around in the house getting some food. I saw Lauren sitting on the couch writing. Someone had mentioned to me earlier that she had gotten upset in the AV room. She seemed a little down so I walked over to her and asked if she was alright. She started crying. She explained what was going on and I realized that this was the opportunity I had been praying for! I knew Lauren had been struggling but I just didn't know how to help her. I told God I needed him to show me how to reach out, and He did. She laid it all out and we talked about how to fix the problem. I think things will be looking up for her!

When I look back on what I saw as a "wasted" afternoon, I see that God used that time to reveal Himself in my life. Even when we don't notice it or aren't looking for it God is working in our lives and fulfilling His plans for us. He wants to give us good things because we are His children!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How time flies...

It is quickly becoming the middle of January, and as I revel in my exciting island experiences I realize I haven't shared in awhile! Of course my Christmas break bliss ended all too quickly. Although I did go to Enemanit again (complete island paradise for a day) and get to experience an excellent Japanese restaurant. We rarely slept before 3am, mainly because the boys from Woja were visiting and we were squeezing all the time out of them that we could. We're attempting to buy them tickets here for spring break!

New Year's was quite exciting! The street was closed off for the bloc party. There were booths everywhere with food, food, food, toys, toys, toys and several music groups with one big band. We traipsed among the throngs of Marshallese (many on their way to being quite drunk) and checked out the booths. We had about 3 hours to kill so we discovered bright little huts behind Tide Table overlooking the lagoon and settled there for awhile. Finally it was time for the countdown. As we crescendoed to "Happy New Year!" we realized we were in the minority in our unbridled excitement. Apparently the Marshallese don't care too much for the holiday...either that or the alcohol was impairing their judgment. The latter more likely! We had been told to expect fireworks, but I suppose a few flares will do.

I will honestly admit that I was dreading the return to my classroom. I stalled in the library as long as I could the first day back (well even longer than usual...haha). But as soon as I saw my kids I instantly realized why I do what I do. It's not for myself, but for God and for them and I love them dearly! The week back was a blur of finalizing grades and marking report cards. Tomorrow we get the lovely task of sitting in our classrooms from 4-7pm waiting for parents to show for parent-teacher conferences. At least I know what to expect this time!

High school volleyball has been a learning experience. Ben and I finally had enough girls show up to form a team today. Hopefully we can set up a scrimmage for next week. We honestly didn't know if we'd be able to make a team. And now they're pestering us about uniforms...

Kara's sister Kaylie left just hours ago after her month-long visit. I feel like she became one of us in such a short time. It made me think about how I will be leaving in.....4 months and 7 days! I am trying to take it all in while I still have it.